Find out what we know as we learn it. The latest news, legal developments and deals relevant to you with our expert analysis
Going it alone: the role of the court in....
Problems often arise in cases where parties choose to act for themselves or are unable to use...
PPS Serial Numbered Collateral – Part 5:....
The final part of the PPS Serial Numbered Collateral Series concerns the situation where a...
Comply or else! Breach of search orders....
In the recent decision of Sun v He [2020] NSWSC 802, Ward Cj in Equity examined the circumstances...
PPS Serial Numbered Collateral Series –....
In the fourth instalment of our PPSR collateral series we look at registering security interests...
Priority maintained: Administration expe....
In a recent case, Ford (Administrator), in the matter of The PAS Group Limited (Administrators...
Reliance on property title searches and....
The recent decision in Hutson v Roufeil [2020] NSWSC 864 is a timely reminder of the exceptions to...
New law on building residential apartmen....
Overview Who should read this paper? Developers and builders who will commence or complete the...
PPS Serial Numbered Collateral Series –....
Aircraft is a type of serial numbered collateral which includes a specified type of machine or...
All you need to know about the 1 July 20....
The Australian Building Codes Board introduced an out of cycle amendment to the National...
Reference dates for payment claims invol....
Are draft claim regimes void in NSW? It is not uncommon for a contract to set out a regime for...
Distributing Ponzi scheme funds: Court o....
In the recent decision of Caron and Seidlitz v Jahani and McInerney in their capacity as...
PPS Serial Numbered Collateral Series –....
The Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) prescribes a specific definition to “Motor...
Aggrieved persons and the reinstatement....
In the matter of The Owners of Strata Plan No 91349 v Australian Securities and Investments...
A builder’s practical guide to the....
Check out our interactive and practical guide for builders to the Design and Building...
PPS Serial Numbered Collateral Series –....
When the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPS Act) came into effect in 2012, it...
Design and Building Practitioners Bill 2....
NSW Parliament passed the Design and Building Practitioners Bill 2019 on 3 June 2020. The Bill...
Court paves way for pre-emptive injuncti....
On 17 April 2020, the Supreme Court delivered judgment in Grocon (Belgrave St) Developer v...
Parliament enters the ring to combat ill....
The introduction of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Combating Illegal Phoenixing) Act 2020 (Cth) sees...
Super Bowl 2020
ERA Legal would like to extend a warm thank you to all who attended our annual Super Bowl event....
5 ways builders can increase profit by m....
As part of our membership of the Master Builders' Association, our Construction + Projects team...
Directors’ duties to shareholders....
A director of a company always owes fiduciary as well as statutory duties to a company. Could a situation ever rise pursuant to which a director owes a fiduciary duty to a shareholder?
Terminating off the plan contracts and b....
In the judgment of Scott v Ennis-Oakes [2019] NSWSC 1257, the Supreme Court of New South Wales...
Collateral securities: Limits on rights....
The Supreme Court of New South Wales recently considered a subrogation claim by a second mortgagee...
Design and Building Practitioners Bill:....
Design and Building Practitioners Bill 2019 The Government seeks to impose a number of new...